
Showing posts from June, 2017

Week 15 (FYP 1)

This week is the presentation week and would be the last post for my progress report in FYP 1. I would like to thank to my supervisor, Sir Safyzan because gave me a lot of supports and favors. Thanks for never stop to helping me throughout this process for my FYP 1 untill the end and not forgotten also to my friends whose supports me. Here is my slide presentaion that I used on my presentation day. Alhamdulillah all is went well with His permission. Thank you for willing to read my posts. :)

Week 14 (FYP 1)

For this week, I have start to do my slide for my presentation and meet my supervisor to show the finished slides. Sir Safyzan advice me to use Prezi for my presentation instead of power point. Besides, there are some parts that I need to do correction and practice for my presentation day.  After my slide is completely done, I has show it to my supervisor for second time with some improvements and information added. Sir Safyzan told me to do some practice and readings to get an enough preparation for my presentation day.

Week 13 (FYP 1)

For this week, I'm just doing some research to improve my literature review and studying about B4a software. Besides, I also surveying a smart watch that can be used for my project.  The next day, I has buy a smart watch from lazada and try to connect it with my smart phone. The smart watch is cost only RM60 and can be used for both Android and IOS smart phone. This is the smart watch I chose to used for my project:  On the other hand, this week have an FYP briefing for the last time where the content for slide is explained. There are some important point must be attached in our slide to ease the assessors understand about our project. The slides must contains of: Problem statements (what is the problem you try to solve/) Obejctive (motivations and goals) What is our key idea/ contribution How we improving the current technology Methodology (what we have done and what we will do after this)

Week 12 (FYP 1)

For this week, I have finished my proposal report from chapter 1 - chapter 3 before I meet my supervisor.    However, Sir safyzan advice me to add more information into the literature review chapter.  I also have done correct my flowchart and some parts of methodology chapter.This is the corrected flowchart: I meet my supervisor on Friday to check my proposal report before I submit it to Madam Marwangi to undergo a plagarism check. There are some parts for cost estimation that I need to correct and the corrected cost estimation are as below: After done doing the correction, the proposal report from chapter 1 to chapter 3 has been submitted to Madam Marwangi by email and wait for her feedback either my proposal need to change or not. As been stated by Madam Marwangi, the percentage of plagarism must be less than 30%.

Week 11 (FYP 1)

I have continued doing my readings for my Literature review chapter in term of existed product to be improved and developed. Meanwhile, I also work on my flow chart to show to my supervisor. Below is the draft for my flowchart diagram: For the third day in this week, I went to meet my supervisor to shows my progress. There some parts in the flowchart must be corrected and sir Safyzan suggest me the other ideas for the flowchart. Besides, Sir Safyzan also suggest me to read this article and get more understand about it: The B4a-bridge have been installed in my android smart phone and been checked by Sir Safyzan to makesure either it can be used or not. The apps is successfully logged in which means the smart phone can be used for my project.

Week 10 (FYP 1)

I keep doing some research for my literature review because I need to collect some information from certain journal or article to be summarized. It take more time to work it on because I need to understand every single process of the existed product. Sir Safyzan advice me to understand the abstract for the existed product ans relate it with my project.  I have meet my supervisor and show him my corrected block diagram and discussing about the next subtopic which flow chart. He also told me to study about how to do a patent layout for my "Plan layout" subtopic. Here I attach my corrected block digram below: Corrected block diagram I get more into doing a research for this week and surveying a suitable smart phone and smart watch to buy. The smart phone must use android system and 4.3 version above because Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) service is not supported by android version below 4.3. Last but not least, I keep doing more research and have started to do my f...

Week 9 (FYP 1)

Some research about android apps block diagram have been done and I found a quite similar application block diagram that I can used for my project. However, this block diagram have some parts must be correccted after I show it to my supervisor. The output in the block diagram above must be changed because my project is connected wit a wearable device which the alarm notification will appear on the smart watch's screen. Thus the wearable devices is an item for output of the process. Furthermore, I used to fill up my free time by watching tutorial video about how to design an interface for mobile apps using the B4a software. This video is shows about how to design an interface for login part. For example, this login part might be used in certain apps that need a security before been accessed. This part is related with my project since my supervisor come up with his idea to secure the reminder apps with a password security to avoid any unnecessary changes and keep ...

Week 8 (FYP 1)

In this week, I have do some research to create a block diagram. The main structure of a block diagram must have an input and output. I have create a block diagram before I meet my supervisor to show the draft to him. After i've done doing the block diagram and the correction for my Chapter 1 in proposal report, i meet my supervisor to show it all. So Sir Safyzan advice me to correct my block diagram by doing some reasearch to find apps android block diagram+wearable devices. Beside, Sir Safyzan prefer me to read the abstract of the similar existed product to get more understand about my project flow. Here are some links I have attached which I used to refer the existed block diagram: For the proposal report, there are some parts I ne...

Week 7 (FYP 1)

For this week, I used to start proceeding my proposal report for the first chapter. The first chapter is INTRODUCTION which I will introduce about my project and why am I developing the study. This chapter containing of: 1.1 - Background of project 1.2 - Problem statement 1.3 - Objectives of project 1.4 - Significance of project 1.5 - Scope and limitations of project 1.6 - Chapter's summary I have done some part for this chapter and show it to my supervisor to be checked whether it is need to do correction or not. There are some parts must be corrected which is the objective and problem statement because the current point are not suitable. For chapter 2 is Literature Review, where we need to provide some facts either from a news paper or online research. This chapter will explain the causes of project want to be invented. however, I haven't start writing on this chapter yet. Here is the contents of chapter 2: 2.1 - Introduction about the project ...

Week 6 (FYP 1)

I do some research about the existed product on how its functioning and seeking more ideas to improving my project's development. I found a product in a form of watch/ bracelet which will alert the user to take medicine as prescribed. The input and configuration are all set on the watch and make vibration to notify the user. I have meet my supervisor to show my research and ask about a suitable software I could use to create an andorid apps. So Sir Safyzan used to suggest me to use Basic4android software (B4a) and study about how the software works. I used a Youtube channel to get to know about the software. The tutorial is attached below:  On 29th March, I have attend the FYP briefing which the study is explaining the contents for proposal report. The proposal report consist of 5 major chapters: INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW METHODOLOGY RESULT AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION We have go through abou...

Week 5 (FYP 1)

I do more research about the wearable device that will used in my project. There are a lot of existed functions for wearable devices to monitor people's health. From the researches, there are many medical system use a wrist band such as monitoring any symptom in a body, monitoring heart bit rate, used as medication reminder and etc. I do meet my supervisor to get more advices and suggestions about my researches. I took a medication reminder as my topic to be approached and get more understand on how the project will function and processed. After some helps and explanations from my supervisor, I understands that the study is planned to create a new apps which could be an interface for android smart phone. A wearable device is used to display the alarm nootification to ease user to notify it. Both smart devices are connected by Bluetooth service. I have doing some research about the software I could use to create an android apps. There are many excellent platf...

Week 4 (FYP 1)

The first briefing for FYP1 are finally been managed on this week where is the contents needed for logbook/ blog are explained. Logbook/ blog should consist of: Project planning Project design Description on the project: - block diagram and flow chart Circuit description and operation List of component used PCB layout Data collection/ results Conclusion All students also been noticed about the FYP assessments scheme which are: Progress report (logbook/ blog) => 30% Presentation                               => 35% Project proposal                         => 35%                                         Total :      100% We also been told to remind our supervisor to register our name and the title of p...

Week 3 (FYP 1)

I went to meet my supervisor, sir Safyzan to consult and discussing about my project title. I have show my short-listed project titles and ask him if he have any ideas and suggestion to be chose. After done some discussions and research, my supervisor suggest me to do a mobile apps for android which is used as a reminder for guiding any kind of healthcare. This project will use an android smart phone and a wearable device which will be connected via a Bluetooth. So the title for the project has been decide which title "Development of Medication Reminder Apps for Wearable Devices". Sir Safyzan told me to do more research and reading to get started. Besides, this week is supposedly have an FYP 1 briefing but it was cancelled and postponed to next week due to some technical problems. So I used to fill up the free time to find senior's report and thesis to gain my knowledge on how to write a good report and proposal. There some links I do research on r...

Week 2 (FYP 1)

In this week, I used to classify some project I’m interested on that could be my FYP project. I do some survey for each suggested title and doing some research before making a choice. Here are some class and titles of project short-listed: Security system (for house or building) Any product that related with Internet of Thing (IOT) Lamp controller using android apps IN and OUT database system Developing a smart devices I have do research for each point above to know what kind of software and hardware they will used. There are a lot of existed project I can refer for choosing a title which could help me to understand and get more ideas to do project FYP.

1st Week (FYP 1)

On the first week of the semester, I used to find a lecturer who is able to be a supervisor for my FYP subject.  After doing some searching, I found sir Safyzan Bin Salim and decide to be his FYP’s student. Sir safyzan is one of lecturer in Data comm. Section and agreed to be my lecturer advisor. I believe in my choice and I know sir Safyzan  will be a great advisor based on his wide knowledge and experiences. At the same time, I do some research to get some suitable title for my FYP project. There are some titles has been chose and short-listed from my research and suggestion from several lecturers. I have been thinking to upgrade my Diploma’s project which titled RFID based attendance system.