
Week 20 (FYP 2)

In this final week of the semester, I have done the report hardcover and ready to submit.  In the name of Allah s.w.t the most gracious and the most merciful. Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah S.W.T because on His blessing and His permission will allows me for completing this final year project thesis.  I would like to express my gratitude especially to my supervisor. My deepest thank to my supervisor Sir Safyzan Bin Salim for never giving up to guide and support me on this project development from beginning till the end.  Last but not least to my beloved family on their support to finish the project, especially to my father and also to my friends who provide me on invaluable advice and assistance. The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed and who are contributing to this project,was vital for the success of the project.  This progress report has come to an end. Good luck to all.

Week 19 (FYP 2)

After finished the exam, I proceed to complete the hardcover for my report. The hardcover format is attached in FYP website to be followed by FYP students. For degree's hardcover is dark blue color. I also had manage the forms for submission.  As informed by the FYP committee, we are advise to burn our project documents in a CD which should contains: - Picture of the project in .jpg format - Poster of presentation in .jpg format - Abstract of the report in .txt format - Video of the project in .flv format - Final report for FYP in .pdf format Besides, all FYP students need to upload their documents in FYP website.

Week 18 (FYP 2)

I have done my project report by writing the Abstract for the whole report. The project description has been summarize in the Abstract and the contents is mentioned. A few corrections have been managed after a multiple checks by my supervisor.  I have submit my report to my supervisor to undergo the plagiarism detection. All students need to do a correction if the percent of the plagiarism is exceed 20%. The result for my plagiarism is 3% which don't need to do any correction for my report. The rest time left in this week is used to do some revision for my final exam. I have to make a preparation for my exam which held on Tuesday at 8.00 a.m and Thursday at 3.00 p.m. 

Week 17 (FYP 2)

On this week, I have submit a draft of Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 to my supervisor. Some corrections have been done and proceed to Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The Chapter 4 is Result and discussion which contains as topics below: - Result of testing - Result of project    : Prototype of the project    : App interface And the last Chapter 5 is conclusion for the Project. This chapter is attached with some recommendation that  can be used by future developers as a starting point in enhancing the system design of the project. Here are the suggestion for the future development: a. iOS- base smart phone:         This project can be upgrade by developing the app to be used in iOS smart phone. This development should be taken due to iOS smart phone users are increasing by time to time. So the app is not limited to Android OS user and there is no matter to be connected to smart watch since the wearable device is able to connect ...

Week 16 (FYP 2)

On this week, I only focus on my thesis to complete the Chapter 1 - Chapter 3. Chapter 1 consist of the introduction of the project and followed by a few sub topic such as: - Background of project - Problem statement - Objective of the study - Significance of project - Scope and limitation - Thesis organization For Chapter 2, Literature review which is the summarize of some research related with my project. This Chapter consist of: - Project overview - Related theories - Previous work    : Medication Reminder for Elderly    : CADEX Medical Alert    : SmartMATES for Medication Adherence - Summarization of previous works While for the Chapter 3 is Methodology which will explain the process of the project and work flow during completing the project: - Project activities    : Project development    : Block diagram    : Flow chart - Plan layout    : App icon   ...

Week 15 (FYP 2)

As been informed, this week we have to present and do demonstration about our project. I have been assessed by Madam Lily and Sir Saiful. But Sir Saiful did not come due to health problem. So Dr. Imran replace him for my second assessor. The presentation going smoothly and some question has been asked. Alhamdulillah all is went well and the presentation has ended.  After the moment, I have to proceed on my report to be done. A few research has been made to completing my thesis.

Week 14 (FYP 2)

On this week, I have more focus on my poster preparation. Some correction has been done by my supervisor. The poster is done by following the template given. The poster has completely done and printed.   Here is my poster attached: