Week 1 (FYP 2)

Assalamualaikum & good day to you,

I will continue to update my progress for my FYP 2 subject after throughout the semester break. As been informed, I have done presenting the FYP1 and got some ideas from the assessors to improve my project. I took their advice and study how to overcome the small weakness to become more effective and excellent.

As be reminded by my supervisor, I have do some research and did some revision about MIT Appinventor which I could use to achieve my objectives. MIT Appinventor is a web application that we can used to create apps for Android OS devices. 

MIT Appinventor allows newcomers to computer programming to create software applications for the Android OS. It used a graphical interface which very similar to Scratch and the StarLogo TNG user interface, which allows user to drag-and-drop visual objects to create an application that can run on Android devices.

Here I attached the link I used to get to know more about MIT Appinventor:

After some reading and research, I have try to explore how to use the application to create an apps. Its quite interesting because its easier than I thought and use drag-and-drop method to program the functionality for each design. I also learn it from Youtube.com by doing a simple function as a beginner.


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