
Showing posts from December, 2017

Week 20 (FYP 2)

In this final week of the semester, I have done the report hardcover and ready to submit.  In the name of Allah s.w.t the most gracious and the most merciful. Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah S.W.T because on His blessing and His permission will allows me for completing this final year project thesis.  I would like to express my gratitude especially to my supervisor. My deepest thank to my supervisor Sir Safyzan Bin Salim for never giving up to guide and support me on this project development from beginning till the end.  Last but not least to my beloved family on their support to finish the project, especially to my father and also to my friends who provide me on invaluable advice and assistance. The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed and who are contributing to this project,was vital for the success of the project.  This progress report has come to an end. Good luck to all.

Week 19 (FYP 2)

After finished the exam, I proceed to complete the hardcover for my report. The hardcover format is attached in FYP website to be followed by FYP students. For degree's hardcover is dark blue color. I also had manage the forms for submission.  As informed by the FYP committee, we are advise to burn our project documents in a CD which should contains: - Picture of the project in .jpg format - Poster of presentation in .jpg format - Abstract of the report in .txt format - Video of the project in .flv format - Final report for FYP in .pdf format Besides, all FYP students need to upload their documents in FYP website.

Week 18 (FYP 2)

I have done my project report by writing the Abstract for the whole report. The project description has been summarize in the Abstract and the contents is mentioned. A few corrections have been managed after a multiple checks by my supervisor.  I have submit my report to my supervisor to undergo the plagiarism detection. All students need to do a correction if the percent of the plagiarism is exceed 20%. The result for my plagiarism is 3% which don't need to do any correction for my report. The rest time left in this week is used to do some revision for my final exam. I have to make a preparation for my exam which held on Tuesday at 8.00 a.m and Thursday at 3.00 p.m. 

Week 17 (FYP 2)

On this week, I have submit a draft of Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 to my supervisor. Some corrections have been done and proceed to Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The Chapter 4 is Result and discussion which contains as topics below: - Result of testing - Result of project    : Prototype of the project    : App interface And the last Chapter 5 is conclusion for the Project. This chapter is attached with some recommendation that  can be used by future developers as a starting point in enhancing the system design of the project. Here are the suggestion for the future development: a. iOS- base smart phone:         This project can be upgrade by developing the app to be used in iOS smart phone. This development should be taken due to iOS smart phone users are increasing by time to time. So the app is not limited to Android OS user and there is no matter to be connected to smart watch since the wearable device is able to connect ...

Week 16 (FYP 2)

On this week, I only focus on my thesis to complete the Chapter 1 - Chapter 3. Chapter 1 consist of the introduction of the project and followed by a few sub topic such as: - Background of project - Problem statement - Objective of the study - Significance of project - Scope and limitation - Thesis organization For Chapter 2, Literature review which is the summarize of some research related with my project. This Chapter consist of: - Project overview - Related theories - Previous work    : Medication Reminder for Elderly    : CADEX Medical Alert    : SmartMATES for Medication Adherence - Summarization of previous works While for the Chapter 3 is Methodology which will explain the process of the project and work flow during completing the project: - Project activities    : Project development    : Block diagram    : Flow chart - Plan layout    : App icon   ...

Week 15 (FYP 2)

As been informed, this week we have to present and do demonstration about our project. I have been assessed by Madam Lily and Sir Saiful. But Sir Saiful did not come due to health problem. So Dr. Imran replace him for my second assessor. The presentation going smoothly and some question has been asked. Alhamdulillah all is went well and the presentation has ended.  After the moment, I have to proceed on my report to be done. A few research has been made to completing my thesis.

Week 14 (FYP 2)

On this week, I have more focus on my poster preparation. Some correction has been done by my supervisor. The poster is done by following the template given. The poster has completely done and printed.   Here is my poster attached:

Week 13 (FYP 2)

There are only two weeks left before the presentation. I need to complete my project as well which only the notification part is undone. Besides, the final FYP briefing is been held on Friday, 3rd November 2017. After struggling doing the notification part, the configuration is finally function which both smart phone and smart watch have receive the notification alarm. Furthermore, I have change the sound of the alarm to a voice reminder. The voice reminder is using my own voice which is used for my project. The voice reminder will remind user on smart watch and sound "REMINDER ! Please take your pills" as the prototype. The project now is fully functioned and some modification are occurred.

Week 12 (FYP 2)

On this week, I have meet my supervisor to ask him about the library used in the programming. I had run the coding after get the library and its function. The alarm app is functioned as the button can be clicked to set time for alarm. An adjustable clock is appear after a button is clicked. However, the project still not complete because the alarm cannot be transferred to smart watch and no notification could be sent. I have continued to learn and configure the notification part to be completed. An the same time, I had edited the interface of the app to look more attractive and smart. The interface edited is attached below:

Week 11 (FYP 2)

I have proceed to find a source code and found it in a website which is a coding for simple alarm attached in the website. I take the coding and upgrade it for my project where the alarm can be appeared on smart watch. The simple alarm coding is use time dialog library which I don't have. So I can't run the coding properly and the app I upgraded not function. On the other hand, the FYP briefing will be held on this week on Friday, 20th October 2017 for workshop activity on Abstract writing, poster preparation and presentation skill. We have been told to write the abstract after the whole report is done. Abstract is the summarize of the whole contents in the report which explain about the project developed. Below is attached the format of poster that must be used during the presentation:

Week 10 (FYP 2)

In this week, I have attend a class which is held by my supervisor. The class is intended to learn about the B4A software. I had got a lot of benefits and knowledge even for the first class. The class have teach on how to install the B4A software. Thus learn how to create some simple apps. For example: Chat application using a Bluetooth technology Radio app Guess number app Notification sample In this lessons, I have learn how to configure an apps by attaching an image, screen rotation setup, configure the function of buttons, changing the theme for the app and much more. It is fun having the class because it is easy to understand and gain more knowledge for the first user like me. My supervisor gave me some samples of simple apps to learn the coding and also a few tutorials and steps on how to configure an apps. From the class, I can start to proceed my project easily with use the knowledge I get from the class. Below is some apps that I learnt in the cla...

Week 9 (FYP 2)

After going through the holidays, this FYP subject is opened with a briefing which conducted for workshop on the last two Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Chapter 4 - Result and Discussion Chapter 5 - Conclusion The briefing is held on Wednesday, 4th October 2017 and handled by an invited speaker. This session is explaining of what a points and content should be have in the chapter. We are encourage to attach pictures and explaining how the project process in Chapter 4. While in the Chapter 5, a conclusion of overall of the report must occurred and some recommendation must be suggested to approach.

Week 8 (FYP 2)

This week is a mid semester break where all student having holidays for a week. However, I still doing some research to find an example source code to be used in my project.  B4A is way more easier to understand how the coding will functions. So it will ease me to learn every keyword of functions and know how to implement it. I used to copy some coding and run it to see how its functions.  I also referring Youtube tutorial on how the coding can be configured and the function of some coding occurred. I keep repeat this step to deeply know about the coding because this is the first time I am experience this software and just learn it for a little bit. I still ask for help from my supervisor as usual because there are some parts that I don't understand.

Week 7 (FYP 2)

On this week, I had focused on my appearance of the app part for my project. As the objective stated before, the aim of the study is create a user friendly interface. In that case, I have try to design a simplest interface for the app to ease user to understand and overcome the difficulty to configure an alarm as they experienced before. Moreover, I also try to connect the both smart phone and smart watch via the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. I have doing some research about the BLE which this technology is suitable to be used in this Medication Reminder. BLE is the primary new feature added to the Bluetooth standard in version 4.0 of the Bluetooth core specification. BLE have a unique characteristic which its extremely low power consumption compare to Classic Bluetooth. The range  covered  by BLE  is also suit with the project and low-latency of transmission. Table below is the specification of the BLE:

Week 6 (FYP 2)

A briefing was conducted in this week on Friday, 6th September 2017. The briefing is explain about how to write a thesis for Chapter 1 until Chapter 3. Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Literature Review Chapter 3 - Methodology The format is provided where all students can refer at . FYP website has provided all the topic that must be contained in our thesis. Besides, the template of margin measurements and font should be used also attached. We are also been told that our hardcover of thesis is dark blue which must be submitted on 22nd December with other documents needed as stated in briefing session. The FYP website have announcements which we should frequently check to update any information related too our subject.

Week 5 (FYP 2)

There a just a few progress in this week because have Public holiday, Raya Haji. This week I only doing some research and exploring about the software used for my project.  I had try to do some simple function such a button for a specific function to help me get more understand and familiar to the software.  I had frequently contacts my supervisor through WhatsApp to get some explanation that I do not understand. I can use my emulator in B4A software, so my supervisor prefer me to use the B4A bridge instead which the app we creating can be directly seen on our own smart phone. I have attached a video on how the way to use the B4A bridge on last week post. It is way much more easier than using an emulator and we can see how the interface exactly looked like. Figure above is showing the B4A bridge app. We must connect smart phone and smart watch to a point to get the same IP address. The IP address must be insert in the B4A bridge and also in the B4A software in PC...

Week 4 (FYP 2)

On this week, I still doing some research about B4a and learn how to install the software. I have met my supervisor to get some help and get the installer from him.  However, the installation of the software must be install correctly to avoid errors while using it. Besides, a lots of step needed to install the software because it got many libraries which we will use to call it in programming. After the installation is done, I did explore the software by referring to youtube tutorial. Here are some link that I used to learn the software by creating a simple function: B4a can be connected using bridge to demo the apps on phone. So we don't need an emulator to preview the apps.

Week 3 (FYP 2)

According to FYP calendar, this week has been scheduled for the first briefing for FYP 2 committees. The briefing will be held on Friday, 18th August 2017 in TTL 1. The briefing was intended to explain about the FYP calendar where the students need to keep update on their project development, progress report and frequently meet supervisor. Besides, we are also reminded to prepare thesis report which must be submitted after the final exam on December 2017. On the hand, I keep learn about the B4a by watching tutorial on Youtube channel.

Week 2 (FYP 2)

For second week of this semester, I have met my supervisor to what i have learnt about MIT Appinventor. I used  to create a simple function of a push button where a message will pop-up on the same scree when the button is clicked. However, the tabs provided for programming are a lots and need more time to understand. Let say we want to create a button to appear another page, it takes a few steps that we need to fully understand for each tabs provided before we use and combine them. On that case, my supervisor advice me to explore more about B4a software which has the same functionality to create application software but this software is advance compared to MIT Appinventor because B4a can be used to develop apps for both Android OS and iOS devices. B4a is quite easy because the coding used is easier to understand and generally used by apps developer. Besides, its get me easier to explore and learn on how to use the software since I can refer it on website and Youtub...

Week 1 (FYP 2)

Assalamualaikum & good day to you, I will continue to update my progress for my FYP 2 subject after throughout the semester break. As been informed, I have done presenting the FYP1 and got some ideas from the assessors to improve my project. I took their advice and study how to overcome the small weakness to become more effective and excellent. As be reminded by my supervisor, I have do some research and did some revision about MIT Appinventor which I could use to achieve my objectives. MIT Appinventor is a web application that we can used to create apps for Android OS devices.  MIT Appinventor allows newcomers to computer programming to create software applications for the Android OS. It used a graphical interface which very similar to Scratch and the StarLogo TNG user interface, which allows user to drag-and-drop visual objects to create an application that can run on Android devices. Here I attached the link I used to get to know more about MIT Appinve...